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GDPS Hub Terms of Service and Conditions

You must respect the ToS and conditions below, this include the GNU Affero GPL license that GDPS Hub follows. You can read it by clicking here. Subject to changes.


  1. By using and navigating in the website, means you agree to the Terms and Conditions of the website (this ToS).
  2. A popup will show in the main screen alerting this website uses cookies. By navigating and using the website you accept the use of cookies in this website.
  3. We're not responsible of any kind of problem related to the GDPS in-game. GDPS Hub is only responsible with the problems that are related to this website, such as failed download because of an internal server error (Error codes 500, 501, 404, etc.), third-party software by the publisher (specified) and many others.
  4. The website does not include any type of installer, third-party software made by GDPS Hub and malware. The publisher has got permission to publish the GDPS in the website with third-party software made by they or any other person (terms of this specified in the article 1, section Publishing). We're responsible about the problems your computer can have caused by a malicious GDPS download only.


Terms and Conditions specified for publishers.
  1. In case you added third-party software, you must say "Yes" in the question about external software asked in the GDPS Publisher page when adding a new GDPS. Is totally forbidden to add external software that can harm players' computer, in that case, your GDPS will automaticlly be removed and you're profile will also be automaticlly deleted.
  2. To apply for GDPS verification, your GDPS must have this cumpliments:
    • Have more than 100 in-game players
    • Have a Discord server with more than 100 members
    • The server must be clean of NSFW content, and must cumpliment the Discord ToS
    • The GDPS must be at least 30 days old
    • Contact us to this email to ensure you are the owner of the GDPS with proves of all the information above (100 in-game players, Discord server, etc.)
  3. Your GDPS musn't contain any 18+ / NSFW content. Your GDPS and your profile will be inmediatly deleted.
  4. All the information written must be in English. It's the only language that GDPS Hub supports at the moment.


  1. Your GDPS information can be changed anytime only by GeoDash Software.
  2. In case you violate any of the terms and/or conditions written in this page, GeoDash Software will take action and your account might be deleted, depending on how was the violation.

GDPS Hub Accounts System

  1. GDPS Hub does not sell your information to third-party business or people. GDPS Hub just saves your account information (Username, email and password) in a private database that only GeoDash Software can access to it.
  2. You can't change your username and email address once you have registered. You can only change your password.
  3. If for some reason, you can't access your account, GDPS Hub support will try to recover the lost information. We won't recover the information if your account has been deleted because of breaking any ToS term, condition or AGPL license term.

Discord server rules

    Heads Up: You might want to follow these as they are really important!
  1. Use common sense. Of course you don't want to talk with people with curly English or senses.
  2. Respect people. Doxxing, scamming and stuff is prohibited! Of course doxxing and stuff above is serious! If you attempt to do, you'll get banned. Also don't think a small insult will not harm cause in some cases it can.
  3. No NSFW. I think everyone understands this already.
  4. Use every channel for its intended purpose. Example: don't send images at #general
  5. Don't spam.
  6. Do not impersonate people. This is a generic rule so I hope you understand.
  7. Do not joke or talk about religions, races, ect. It can offend people so please be careful.
  8. Follow the Discord TOS and CG. Failing to follow atleast one rule in TOS and CG will can get you banned.
  9. Don't send malicious links.
    - We don't want those cheecky fake download links inside our server.
    - This applies for: Malware, IP Grabber, GIF or images that can crash your Discord, etc.
  10. Don't raid.
    - We don't want any un-wholesome raid coming towards us and the server.
    - Anyone involved in the raid will get banned.
  11. Don't be racist.